Time Management At Work: Get More Work Done By Doing These Simple Things Today

Time management at work is a constant struggle for managers and employees. As an employee, how have you tried to be a better worker by managing your time in the office better?

How have you been spending your time? Do you steal too much of your employers time by doing personal things?

Things you say are small and when pointed out just feels that the boss is being petty? Think again. I have once spoken to a trusted manager when the manager pointed out to me that I was being petty when I limited the use of office internet. There was just too much time wasted on personal matters on the net. We practiced a very liberal policy in the office then and employees were trusted with the freedom.

But now and then people need reminders.

Be fair to your employer. Do this exercise, make a mental checklist or better yet record the amount of time you take to do personal things on the net and phone. How can you be good at time management at work when there are so many personal things you are attending to?

What are some of these personal things? Let’s start with personal emails, how often do you check them, reply them, and keep them on? Then add instant messaging to this list. And blog updating, Facebook, Twitter, etc. What about surfing on the web, reading the online newspaper with the excuse of catching up because of work? If you were the boss, ask yourself – will you be angry with you?

Want to be good with time management at work? Stop all that and resist the temptation of the web links sent by friends and colleagues. How do you deal with these then? One way is to allocate a time for it. If you are the lucky ones working with a company that is very liberal with net usage, then set time aside for these. Early morning, during lunch or right before you log off maybe good times for such things.

We have not even touched on the subject of messaging via the mobile or cell phone. Imagine yourself having a conversation with your friend on short messages (SMS)? How do you expect to be good with time management at work with so many distractions? Yes, you may believe in multitasking but also consider how much better your work can be if you give it a little ,a href="http://www.career-success-for-newbies.com/stay-focused.html">more focus?

Go ahead and shut these down. You will see your time management at work get better. You may think you are giving up too much but you aren’t. It’s about allocating a proper time and place for these. It’s about how you can deliver better to your team and not give yourself excuses. Do not allow your employers an excuse for taking away privileges you currently enjoy. I know of companies who strictly limit net access.

To get better at time management at work, try doing simple things like this. Shut out use of the net for personal matters and cell phone on personal messages and calls – unless of course they are important calls. Stop being tempted by web links and Facebook. Deliver more productivity and see how your bosses start noticing you. Who knows they may already know your net usage patterns already.

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