9 Secrets to Career Success: Success Cannot Be Rushed, Give It Time

So you are very self-aware and you are willing to sacrifice a great deal in order to attain your career goals. Does it guarantee success? No. Even when you are willing to sacrifice your energy and effort, you will still need a crucial ingredient – Time.

By now, you should discover that the journey to career success isn’t easy. Even when there are the 9 secrets to career success, you still need effort that takes time.

1. Time
Patience, Humility and Will
To be successful takes time. Learn early on that there are no short cuts to success. It takes time to have clarity in self-awareness, it takes time to learn and it takes time for purposeful study.

Learn to be patient. Your deliberate action must have the qualities of quiet steady perseverance. You must have steady persistence in your course of action when met with obstacles, challenges and discouragement. Only then will you keep going to meet success.

Have humility. It reminds you to remember to know what you do not know. Have a modest opinion of oneself and be courteously respectful. When you are humble, teachers appear to teach you and you will learn more and progress.

Then you must have deliberate action of asserting your choice and purpose with determination. No success meets someone without will. Without will one gives up too easily.

The world conspires for the person who is determined on achieving his dreams. Your will provide the energy.

2. Build Trust
Building trust takes time. It also takes effort. Trust must be earned through effort and across time trust develops. When people trust you they go out of their way to help you.

You can then start to create a network of friends and colleagues that will help you succeed. How do you build trust?

Seek to understand people and why they do the things they do. When you have the wisdom of understanding you will resist what people typically do in such situations. They usually start to complain and gossip. Learn to shut up and develop this habit early on. It will solve a lot of your obstacles.

To keep your mouth shut means not to lie, not to gossip, not to scold people, and not to say words that cause schisms. Always learn to say something nice about people, and resist saying unkind words. When people know you do not simply shoot your mouth off they will learn to trust you.

3. Coaches and Mentors
The last secret of the 9 secrets to career success is to find coaches and mentors. When you strive for career success, ask yourself who can help you? Who are the people who can point you in the right direction? Who is it that you respect and is willing to listen to?

Coaches and mentors can help us in our self-awareness. They can point out potential pitfalls in your plans, as they are people who are more experienced than you. When you know your goals and plans, look for mentors who can prod you and guide you along the way.

These are the 9 secrets to career success only because people who practice them do not talk about them often. They know it takes time and tireless effort, and they prefer doing rather than talking. They know doing gets them what they want instead of dreaming and talking without action. If you start practicing these 9 secrets to career success, you will start to discover success.

When you work on the secret, the secret starts to work on you.

This is part 3 of a 3 part article series to 9 Secrets to Career Success.

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